wee woolly buddies on a mission
willie woolly
willie woolly
willie woolly
you are loved..."
whispered the wee, woolly mouse.
" We all are."

"You are loved,
wee woolly buddies on a mission
Since the beginning of time, inanimate objects have held the possibility of becoming magical and transportive when powered by the imagination. At Willie Woolly, we fervently believe imagination is a precious human commodity that should be cultivated, celebrated, and preserved- at all ages. With that in mind, each completely original, handmade Willie Woolly is created with love and sent out into the world with the simple hope of sowing seeds of joy and creativity in young and old alike.
At this time, Willie Woolly friends aren't available for purchase. They're on a mission to find their way into the hearts and homes of special people who will love them back- completely free of charge. Should one of our woolly friends find their way to your doorstep, all we ask it that you pay it forward by performing a random act of kindness or making a contribution to a cause closest to you heart.
If you, someone you know, or a suitable charity could use a little woolly goodness, please email us your story.

meet the woollies

Why, hello there! My name is Robyn Reid and I'm a mixed media artist and mother living in the seaside village of Qualicum Beach on spectacular, majestic Vancouver Island.
Prior to motherhood, I was working as a portrait artist and living in a perpetual state of reckless, creative abandon. In February of 2017 I produced my pièce de ré·sis·tance- a true masterpiece named William- my beautiful baby boy. Naturally, my life radically shifted course and my creative energy all but vanished in the hazy, sleepless delirium of early motherhood. Frankly, most days I considered picking up a hairbrush- much less a paintbrush- to be a triumph, and I often feared I would never make my way back to the electric, magical space of productive artistry.
Shortly after his first birthday, William's burgeoning independence and ability to sleep for more than two hours straight (hallelujah!) offered me a new lease on life as a mother and as as artist. For the first time in nearly two years I could feel the wheel of creativity inside of me slowly begin to turn, and a serendipitous encounter with a little needle felted Christmas ornament would trigger a new and totally unexpected chapter in my life as an artist.
It might sound funny, but crafting characters out of wool brings me so much joy. It is a cathartic, therapeutic experience an a synergistic marriage between my work as a portrait artist and children's book author/illustrator. It offers me an opportunity to fully engage my imagination and create entirely unique characters- each with their very own story to tell. And it is my pleasure to share them with the world.
To view my portrait work, please visit robynreid.ca
the magic of creating

Would you like to adopt a wee, willie woolly?
Well, the crummy news is that our fuzzy friends aren't available for purchase. But wait! There's good news! These sweet souls are always on a mission to find their way into the hearts and homes of special people who will love them back- completely free of charge! How do we find these special homes? We hold giveaways on our instagram page almost weekly. Please find us and consider applying. Alternatively, if you, someone you know, or a suitable charity could use a little woolly goodness, please email us your story.
Should one of our woolly friends find their way to your doorstep, all we ask it that you pay it forward by performing a random act of kindness or making a contribution to a cause closest to you heart.
the joy of giving